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Where to Find Graphic Design Jobs

 Where to Find Graphic Design Jobs

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Whether you are just out of school or simply feeling ready for something new, good graphic design jobs abound.  

We are living in a visual society; most of us spend hours on the internet perusing site after site.  Every one of these sites has visuals, and those visuals were designed by someone.  That someone could be you.  And even if you don't want to explore graphic design jobs centered around the web, there are so many other areas, packaging, print design, advertising, marketing and within all of these areas there are graphic design jobs that you may be able to fill. 

Where do I start? Start looking on the internet. Enter "graphic design jobs" into your favorite search engine and start exploring. You'll find many different types of sites - almost all involve job searches by type of job and location.  If you want to apply for any of these jobs you will need your resume and portfolio. So be ready.  Some will be standard job search sites and others will be professional organizations. Spend some time just looking through the sites and saving sites that you will want to return to. I recommend making a "graphic design jobs search" folder in the "favorites" or "bookmarks" section of your browser. Use this when you save the links you want to return to.

If you are a member of a professional organization this is a great place to go first.  As a student you can join reasonably. Often there are o associate memberships that are also economical.   Being a member of a professional organization also looks good and adds credibility on your resume. 

Preparing for your graphic design jobs search. 

You know where you want to go.  Now you need to get ready.  Is your resume ready?  You can find sites on the internet that show you how to write resumes and give you guidelines for assessing the one you currently have.  If you think you need more experience to include in your resume, volunteer to do some jobs for non-profit organizations.  Make sure you do an excellent job and ask them if they will be a reference you can include on your resume.  

You will also need a portfolio in your search for graphic design jobs.  There are several kinds of portfolios - paper, web and DVD/CD portfolios.  Again, you can learn a lot about refining your portfolio by searching the internet for information about designing a portfolio.  Many of the job search sites, especially professional organizations allow you to upload your portfolio to their site, along with your resume.  With others you can post your resume, but not the portfolio.  

It may be worth the time and money to have your own web site so that you can put a link to your portfolio in your resume.  If your search for graphic design jobs includes web design, then make sure that your web site is a reflection of the work that you can do in this area.  Take time with it.  Keep refining and changing it.  Ask people to view it and give you comments, especially past instructors or mentors.  In fact, it's a good idea to have your present or past instructors or mentors review all your job search materials, resume, portfolio, DVD/CD, and web site.  

Now, you are ready to find graphic design jobs that fit your skills and talent.  
